Women in STEM – Malaysia Edition

The 30% Club Malaysia recently held a special “Women in STEM” edition of its signature Board Awareness Program in collaboration with Microsoft Malaysia, supported by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)!

The afternoon drew a full-house of engaged C-suite women and entrepreneurs, alongside a distinguished lineup of speakers, presenters, and panelists.

Carefully curated to deliver valuable insights into board roles, the Board Awareness Program highlighted trending areas of expertise, and offered practical knowledge on essential skillsets required to get into board positions.

One notable observation shared by Marzida Mohd Noor during her presentation was the evolving age demographic of board members, with an increasing number of women aged 40-50 holding board roles. 

She also touched on the 30% Club’s strategic direction, including the hope to garner more support from institutional investors as corporate advocates in this journey towards parity.

As K Raman rightfully covered in his closing remarks, cultivating a growth mindset is crucial for navigating the transformations in this digital age, with women in tech playing an invaluable role in steering the way forward!

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Microsoft Malaysia for graciously hosting the afternoon, and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) for the great support extended. Special thanks to our esteemed speakers and panelists, K Raman, MD of Microsoft Malaysia; Gopi Ganesalingam, SVP and Head of Digital Exports, MDEC; Datuk Yasmin Mahmood, Dr. Jasmine Begum, See Mei Chin, and 30% Club steering committee members, Marzida Mohd Noor, Raj Kumar Paramanathan and the many volunteers who made it happen!

Securities Commission Malaysia hosts OECD-Asia Roundtable on Corporate Governance

“What is acceptable today may not be acceptable tomorrow” was how Arabesque AI’s CEO Carolina Minio Paluello, PhD closed her remarks at the 30% Club Malaysia “DEI x Climate Ambition” panel, OECD-Asia Roundtable on Corporate Governance at the Securities Commission Malaysia

Today, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is still seen to be a nice to have.

This is evolving as a more conscious generation enters the workforce. The momentum of change will only grow, fuelled by social media and reporting requirements, in turn leading to more informed consumers and investors. Embracing DEI is logical, makes good business sense and underpins good corporate governance.

A broader talent pool is a precursor for innovation to flourish especially in an era where we’re grappling with climate crisis, our panelist Petronas Chief Sustainability Officer Charlotte Wolff-Bye said. Focusing on the right skills, at the right place, and the deployment of technology helps in making the process agnostic.

Our male ally and panelist Suresh Kumar Dass said it was also imperative for the rest of the supply chain to follow through with DEI ambitions, supported by the government by for example, setting a timeframe for compliance on diversity.

Carolina Minio Paluello, PhD shared data to show a correlation between the climate agenda and women on board. 

The hope is for regulators to push for investors to look at the data for impactful portfolio construction.

Data is king.

Thank you to our panelists Carolina Minio Paluello, PhDCharlotte Wolff-ByeSuresh Kumar Dass and moderator Ami Moris for this wonderful session, and thank you to the Securities Commission Malaysia for the kind invitation to engage with capital market regulators from 18 countries.

“You can make a difference and you are never alone,”

“You can make a difference and you are never alone.”

That was one key message from this week’s Sesi Bual Bicara Kepimpinan Wanita (Dialogue on Women’s Leadership), under the auspices of the Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) and the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development

30% Club Malaysia Board Mentoring Scheme mentees, Shireen Iqbal and Emi Rice-Oxley were invited to be part of this engaging panel where they shared their successes and motivations.

Including lawyer Fahda Nur Ahmad Kamar and having Dr Wan Nur Ibtisam Wan Ismail as the moderator made the conversation truly enriching.

Thank you to ISM for the kind invitation to talk about the 30% Club Malaysia mission to elevate diversity, equity and inclusion in Malaysia.

Also thank you to Datuk Dr Maziah Che Yusoff, Secretary General and Dr Wan Nur, Director General of the Ministry of the Ministry of Women et; Dr Faridah Awang, Director of ISM for your unwavering support.

These events and platforms are essential for fostering dialogue, sharing experiences, and inspiring women to go further.

The 30% Club is indeed grateful to be part of this precious opportunity.

Nagrody DEI 30% Club Poland przyznane

4 października 2023 roku w siedzibie kancelarii White & Case w Warszawie miało miejsce przyznanie Nagród DEI 30% Club Poland. Z 54 zgłoszeń Kapituła Konkursu wyłoniła 5 Laureatów i 8 Wyróżnionych.

Podstawowym celem było zgromadzenie faktycznie realizowanych inicjatyw DEI, które m.in. mogą stanowić źródło pomysłów i inspiracji dla innych przedsiębiorstw. Najciekawsze inicjatywy zostaną także przedstawione w aktualizacji przewodnika DEI pierwotnie opublikowanego przez 30% Club Poland  w styczniu 2023 roku. W konkursie mogły wziąć udział przedsiębiorstwa, które zaprezentowały konkretne case studies – już zrealizowane lub trwające projekty związane z inicjatywami DEI.

W konkursie „DEI 30% Club Poland” laureatami zostało 5 firm z najciekawszymi – według Kapituły Konkursu – inicjatywami:

  • Ikea. Nagroda przyznana za „Urlop Ojcowski IKEA”.
    Inicjatywa promuje równość w rodzicielstwie, oferując wsparcie dla różnych grup pracowników, uwzględniając elastyczność i indywidualizm.
  • CD Projekt RED. Firma wdrożyła projekt „Urlop menstruacyjny”
    Promuje akceptację różnic biologicznych. Inicjatywa ta dostarcza dostosowane rozwiązania dla pracowników, tworząc przyjazne i elastyczne środowisko pracy, które rozumie i wspiera potrzeby związane z menstruacją.
  • BNP Paribas. Nagroda za inicjatywę „Wsparcie partnerskiego modelu rodziny”
    Przyczynia się do rozwijania kompetencji ojców, promowania równouprawnienia rodziców oraz oferuje wsparcie i edukację dla wszystkich rodziców, tworząc bardziej równoprawne i inkluzywne środowisko pracy.
  • Abris Capital Partners. Projekt „DEI CODE – polityka wdrażania zasad różnorodności w spółkach portfelowych funduszu Private Equity”
    Stanowi istotny wkład w promowanie różnorodności, równości i inkluzji w spółkach portfelowych funduszu private equity. To także przykład spojrzenia na kwestie DEI ze strony inwestorskiej.
  • BASF Polska. Kampania społeczna „Chemia jest Kobietą”
    nie tylko podnosi rangę różnorodności płciowej, ukazując kobietom inspirujące przykłady sukcesów w branży chemicznej, ale również aktywnie dąży do eliminacji szkodliwych stereotypów, które od dawna utrwalały nierówności płciowe w miejscu pracy.

Poza laureatami, Kapituła Konkursu wyróżniła też osiem innych projektów:

  • Lidl. Wyróżnienie przyznane za „Lidl Fair Pay”
    m.in. ze względu na aktywną rolę w promowaniu równości płacowej między płciami w różnych sektorach gospodarki.
  • Kruk
    Firma została wyróżniona ze względu na jej wyjątkowe zaangażowanie w promowanie inkluzywnej kultury organizacyjnej, szczególnie w kontekście równości płci (m.in. wprowadzenie feminatywów oraz niski Gender Pay Gap).
  • JLL. Inicjatywa firmy „JLL Włączając Różnorodność w Architekturę i Funkcjonowanie Naszego Biura”
    to zdecydowany krok naprzód w dążeniu do stworzenia bardziej dostępnego, przyjaznego i inkluzywnego środowiska pracy.
  • Ikea. Program firmy „Liczą się umiejętności”
    to aktywne wspieranie osób z doświadczeniem uchodźczym w zdobyciu doświadczenia zawodowego i znalezieniu pracy w Polsce, przeciwdziałając wyzwaniom związanym z dyskryminacją i wykluczeniem społecznym.
  • Fundacja Integralia. Wyróżnienie za program „Sprawny Staż”
    który wspiera zwiększenie zatrudnienia studentów i absolwentów z niepełnosprawnościami, a także promuje tę ważną ideę w miejscu pracy.
  • Ringier Axel Springer Polska. Projekt firmy „EqualVoice – zmniejszanie nierówności kobiet i mężczyzn oraz równa reprezentacja i głos kobiet i mężczyzn w mediach”
    podejmuje m.in. działania na rzecz zwiększenia reprezentacji kobiet, wspiera ekspertki, a także działa na rzecz równości płci zarówno wewnętrznie w firmie, jak i na zewnątrz. Firma monitoruje także udział głosu kobiet i mężczyzn w swoich serwisach.
  • Mastercard. Wyróżnienie za wprowadzenie programu 16-tygodniowego urlopu dla rodziców
    Program ten wyróżnia się wsparciem równouprawnienia płci, elastycznością, eliminacją luki płacowej, wsparciem wspólnoty pracowniczej oraz efektywnym zarządzaniem czasem.
  • BNP Paribas. Program firmy „WomenUP”
    wyróżnia się wspieraniem rozwoju osobistego, promowaniem równouprawnienia, zaangażowaniem pracowniczek w procesy zmian, efektywnością w tworzeniu innowacyjnych projektów oraz wzmacnianiem wspólnoty pracowniczek, co stanowi kluczowe aspekty inicjatyw DEI.

Po oficjalnej części, w trakcie networkingu, mieliśmy okazję zapoznania się z Varsavianistyczna kolekcją zdjęć 

White & Case LLP  – Miasto moje, a w nim 📷

Profesjonalną fotorelację z wydarzenia wykonała Monika Pietraszek

30% Club Malaysia and Heriot-Watt University Malaysia host “Equipping Leaders, Bridging Gaps” celebration

The 30% Club Malaysia and Heriot-Watt University Malaysia in collaboration with Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University today hosted the “Equipping Leaders, Bridging Gaps” celebration, a tribute to our remarkable past and present scholars who were recipients of the “Shaping Entrepreneurial Women” scholarship which was incepted in 2017.

Guests were privileged to have heard from a panel of inspirational scholarship recipients who shared heartfelt stories of their journeys towards completing their MBA programs. 

These stories underscored the profound impact that life’s circumstances can have on one’s path, and the determination to empower not just themselves but women like them.

Prof. Mushtak Al-Atabi, Provost and CEO of Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, spoke about the legacy of purpose-driven women leaders at the university, stretching back over two centuries when it all began with Mary Burton, who successfully campaigned for the admission of women students on equal terms to men in 1869, twenty-three years before legislation required Scottish universities to do so.

Dato’ Ami Moris further highlighted how the scholarship aligns with the 30% Club’s role in activating Chairs and CEOs of companies to the 30% Club objectives, while nurturing a community of empowered women leaders that inspire others through an alliance built upon shared purpose and values, and where gender diversity is a norm.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our scholars Sharmila Gunasekaran, RPh, MBA, Catherine M. and Sarania Sukumaran who candidly shared their experiences of how the scholarship has transformed their lives, providing hope and lighting their path forward. 

We also extend our thanks to our moderator, Vani Mahadevan for skillfully bringing out these powerful stories that resonated well with our audience.

Congratulations Cohort 8!

Early last month, the 30% Club Malaysia celebrated the completion of Cohort 8 of the 30% Club Malaysia’s Board Mentoring Scheme.

The nine-month journey for the Cohort 8 was transformative. While the primary goal was to prepare for board roles, it naturally evolved into a process of self-discovery.

The cohorts had the opportunity to recognise their strengths, summon the courage to step out of their comfort zones, and make intentional career decisions that aligned with their core values and ambitions.

During the event, the 30% Club Malaysia also warmly welcomed Cohort 9 into the fold of their Board Mentoring Scheme. The occasion was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, Chair of Bursa Malaysia, and WWF Malaysia.

Get on Board with Deloitte’s Board-Ready Women Programme

Deloitte Malaysia launched its inaugural Board-Ready Women Programme 2023 in partnership with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia, Boardroom Malaysia, and the 30% Club Malaysia.

The Board-Ready Women Programme, an initiative under the Global Boardroom Programme, aims to prepare and position aspiring women for board placements,  equipping them to be effective in their roles.

In Malaysia, Siti Hajar Osman is the CoLeader for the Global Boardroom Programme and will be leading this Board-Ready Women Programme.

At the programme’s launch event, Datuk Ami Moris, Chair of 30% Club Malaysia, addressed the state of women in Malaysian boardrooms. 

She highlighted the remarkable achievement of women now holding slightly over 30% of board seats in the top 100 publicly listed companies on Bursa Malaysia. This milestone underscores a significant step towards gender parity and a growing acknowledgment of the immense value diversity brings to the corporate world.

In her speech, she emphasised, “Collectively, Corporate Malaysia can be a force for good to create a more cohesive society, as envisaged by the Madani Economy, where every individual has equitable opportunities to contribute and thrive.”

The programme comprises four interactive modules conducted over two months, each delving into critical aspects of governance, personal attributes, live boardroom simulation, and leadership qualities.

These are :

Session 1: (that took place on 6 September): Governance & Technical, which will provide an introduction to key corporate governance & technical principles as well as the legal aspects for the role.

Session 2: Personal Attributes, will focus on building a personal brand, navigating board dynamics and leveraging on mentorship to accelerate the board journey.

Session 3: Live Boardroom Simulation, will be a mock boardroom simulation and breakout session with feedback and guidance on some leading practices from the facilitators.

Session 4: Inspired Board-Ready Women and Graduation, the final session will cover the importance of board diversity, shed light on the current barriers that exist for women as well as provide valuable advice to help prepare participants for their board journey.

To commemorate the successful completion of the series, a graduation celebratory luncheon will be hosted.

Participants in this programme will gain invaluable insights into the latest industry trends, technical thought leadership, and essential soft skills necessary for women leaders to excel in the boardroom.

They will also have the opportunity to network and share knowledge with senior board members, industry experts, and seasoned professionals, setting the stage for a brighter, more inclusive future in corporate leadership.

Shaping Entrepreneurial Women Scholarship 

The story of the Heriot-Watt University Malaysia – 30% Club Malaysia scholarships begins in 2010, when Dame Heather McGregor, alongside a determined group of women, ignited the spark that would become the 30% Club UK in the UK. The 30% Club was launched in Malaysia on 8 May 2015.

In 2016, Dame McGregor became part of the Heriot-Watt University family. With a campus thriving here in Malaysia and the local chapter of the 30% Club making strides, she saw an opportunity to create the Shaping Entrepreneurial Women Scholarship that would empower Malaysian women to pursue an MBA, thus equipping them for the leadership roles of tomorrow. 

These scholarships that are not just about education, but about equipping future leaders with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be better leaders within Corporate Malaysia

An MBA is a proven pathway to building successful careers so together Heriot-Watt University Malaysia & the 30% Club Malaysia, established an annual woman scholarship with the end game to increase women representation at senior levels of business.

This partnership with Heriot-Watt University is in line with the our objective of strengthening the female boardroom pipeline to ensure that we get better gender balance in the boardrooms and senior management of Malaysian corporates. 

The next intake is in January 2024 so we encourage women employed in our Corporate Members’ organisation to apply when for the scholarships when the notice goes out later this year.

Recently, several members of the 30% Club Malaysia Steering Committee(SteerCo) met some of the scholars. We delved into their stories, learned about their journeys, and shared updates about the ongoing progress of the 30% Club Malaysia. Beyond just scholars, they are advocates of a business-led revolution, champions of change in their own right.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to AFFIN Group for hosting us at the spectacular Menara Affin in TRX. A shout out goes out to the two participants of the recently concluded Accelerate Wahine 100MYR StartUp Competition, an educational entrepreneurship competition. 

They prepared some scrumptious snacks for all to enjoy during tea. This competition was supported by some of the SteerCo & volunteer advocates of 30% Club Malaysia.

Over tea and treats, we shared laughter, stories, and dreams. Because empowerment isn’t just about numbers; it’s about connections!

Great evening of networking and sharing on ‘Inspiring Allyship’

Last month our Corporate Member AMCHAM Malaysia (American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce) along with 30% Club Malaysia hosted “Inspiring Allyship”. It was a special networking event to bring together corporate leaders, professionals, and advocates who share a common vision of cultivating a more inclusive corporate landscape.

The evening began with a welcome address by Siobhan Das Bachran (贝诗凡) CEO, AMCHAM. Our Chair, Dato’ Ami Moris then shared with us some insights about what’s needed to move the needle further to improve gender DEI on company boards and at senior management levels within Corporate Malaysia.

She also shared the good news that as at June 2023, women occupy 31% of the top 100 PLCs’ board seats in Malaysia. This was to have been achieved by the end of 2023, but advocacy and regulation have helped bring this forward! Now begins our journey to parity with more male allies on board.

Three corporate leaders who are male allies also shared their thoughts and experiences about Male Allyship. In the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), a male ally refers to a man who actively supports and advocates for gender equality and works to dismantle gender-based biases and discrimination.

Male allies recognise the systemic barriers and inequities that women and other marginalised genders face and take action to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment.

We heard from Ahmad Shahriman M. CEO, CIMB Islamic Bank who shared with us about “Unlocking the power of male allyship”. This was followed by Rohit Nambiar, Group Chief Executive Officer, Tune Protect Group who enlightened us about “Allyship In Action. Then, Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, CEO, PEMANDU Associates shared his thoughts on “Managing Polarities” and ended his presentation with a mash up of two Blues songs. One an original composition “Hey Brother, Hey Sister” and the Eric Clapton classic “Before You Accuse Me (Take a look at yourself)”. 

There was also a brief Q & A with all three speakers that may spur more male allies to join us on our journey to parity.

Thriving diversity with Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia

Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia celebrated its recent joining as a Corporate Advocate of the 30% Club Malaysia and to generate greater awareness about #DEI and #ESG.

Here are some points from the panel discussion on Thriving By Unleashing The Potential Of DEI at Great Eastern:

👏 Ng Kok Kheng, CEO of Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia said diversity is not limited to gender and is about mutually benefiting all generations with wisdom.

👏 Surina Ismail said we should value diversity – minorities enrich us with their different perspectives. And we need to make the business case for #DEI to get buy-in.

👏 Michelle Ann Iking said sometimes barriers are self-imposed. Women need to advocate for themselves more, and maximise time and opportunity with mentors that are assigned to them at workplaces.

Great Eastern has 64% women represented with one third in management and senior leadership positions. It recognises that more women can be in management.