Making Waves: Nurul Ain meets Hanneke Smits, 30% Club Global

Nurul Ain Abdul Latif, our new brand new Chair of 30% Club Malaysia and Executive Chair at PwC Malaysia, met with Hanneke Smits, CEO of BNY Mellon Investment Management & Global Chair of the 30% Club Global.

Fueled by passion and purpose, they delved into 2024’s focal points for both the Global and Malaysia Chapter.

From upcoming events to impactful activities, the stage is set for transformation and growth!

French firm must do more to reach 40% female ExCo target

French companies are on the right path to meet the first step of the Rixain law requiring at least 30% women representation on executive committees, according to the 30% Club France Investor Group.

The 30% Club France Investor Group’s third annual report reveals SBF120 Executive Committees are nearing an average 30% women’s representation, an increase of 2.4% compared to 2022.

Yet, this average percentage reflects very disparate situations as the SBF120 is evenly split between companies with less than and above 30% female representation.

Nearly all the companies have targets and action plans in place, but these targets lack consistency in terms of scope and granularity.

Addressing these disparities is crucial, especially to meet the challenging second target of the Rixain Law (40% by 2030).
Read more in the full report here.

Where we are

The 30% Club has come a long way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.We now span six continents and more than 20 countries. We’re actively expanding into more G20 countries

The 30% Club Global celebrates #IWD2024!

The 30% Club Global celebrates #IWD2024!

This International Women’s Day, we’re joining forces with our global chapters to profile inspirational female CEOs who are shattering glass ceilings and leading the way for others.

Kicking off our campaign is Raja Teh Maimunah, CEO of AEON Bank, with a message of empowerment: “You are as strong as you want to be, and weak as you allow people to think you are.”

Throughout the week, we’ll be sharing reflections on from exceptional women leaders from around the world, on this year’s IWD theme: ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.’

Please follow 30% Club Global as they’ll be sharing insights from extraordinary women leaders worldwide, focusing on this year’s IWD theme: ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.’

30% Club Malaysia Welcomes PwC’s Nurul A’in Abdul Latif as New Chair

30% Club Malaysia is thrilled to announce Nurul Ain Abdul Latif, Executive Chair at PwC Malaysia, as our new Chair!

In this new role, Nurul will work alongside our Corporate & Volunteer Advocates on various initiatives to advance women leaders on corporate boards and management teams in Malaysia.

In addition, with PwC Malaysia as our new corporate sponsor, we’re not just setting targets, we’re pushing boundaries!

30% is not a ceiling but a tipping point towards true parity. Let’s continue championing diversity, equity, and inclusion to shape a more inclusive future together for Malaysia! Join us on our path to parity!

Read our media release here.

Gender gap widens across OECD to 13.5%

Pay gap

It will take over 50 years to close the gender pay gap across the OECD! That’s the finding of PwC‘s latest Women in Work report.

The average gender pay gap across the OECD stood at 13.5% in 2022, having widened from 13.2% in 2021.

Luxembourg tops the index with a gap of -0.2%. 

Australia demonstrated the best annual improvement, closing its gap by four percentage points to 9.9% and moving up to 10th place in the index.

The UK reported the largest slide of any OECD country, dropping from 13th place in on the index in 2021 to 17th in 2022 with a gap of 114.5%.

Read the full report here.

Where we are

The 30% Club has come a long way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.We now span six continents and more than 20 countries. We’re actively expanding into more G20 countries

Find out more

UK FTSE 100 reach 30% women on ExCos


The UK’s top 100 ranked companies have reached the critical mass of 30% women in executive committees for the first time.  

The FTSE Women Leaders Review has also confirmed women hold 35% of all leadership roles in FTSE 350 companies and 42% of board seats. 

However, despite much welcomed progress for female representation, there remains an absence of women leading the UK’s largest organisations. And almost half of all available appointments now need to go to a woman to meet the Review’s 40% Women in Leadership target by the end of 2025. 

Pavita Cooper, UK Chair of the 30% Club, said: “Organisations need to double down on efforts to accelerate the progression of women through the pipeline. CEOs and Chairs need to drive the focus on closing this gap, failing to do so is simply bad for business.”

Read the full report here

Where we are

The 30% Club has come a long way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.We now span six continents and more than 20 countries. We’re actively expanding into more G20 countries

Pierwsze w cyklu spotkanie członkiń i członków 30% Club Poland: CEO Breakfast

30% Club Global to globalna wspólnota liderów i liderek biznesu z ponad 20 krajów. To unikatowa platforma, dzięki której jej członkowie mogą wymieniać się doświadczeniami i razem dążyć do najlepszych rozwiązań zwiększających różnorodność w biznesie. Żeby im to ułatwić, 30% Club Poland zainaugurował serię CEO Breakfast – kameralnego forum w formule śniadań, na które zapraszamy naszych członków i członkinie.

Pierwszym gospodarzem spotkania był dr Mateusz A. Bonca, CEO firmy JLL Poland, który zaprosił naszych gości do swojej wyjątkowej siedziby na 30. piętrze Warsaw Spire. Tematem przewodnim spotkania była dyskusja nt. pracy zdalnej / hybrydowej / powrotu do biur po pandemii. Celem spotkania była wymiana doświadczeń pomiędzy liderami i liderkami z różnych branż i sektorów oraz integracja społeczności członków 30% Club Poland.
Jakub Zieliński, Head of Workplace, JLL zaprezentował przedpremierowo wyniki badania JLL dt. powrotu do biur, o którym będziecie mogli sami przeczytać już wkrótce. Zachęcamy, bo wnioski są bardzo ciekawe!
Dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom za ciekawą dyskusję. W spotkaniu wzięli udział: Magda Magnuszewska (CEO Alsendo) Olga Adamkiewicz (CEO artgeist), Pawel Bandurski (CEO Bank BPH), dr Mateusz A. Bonca,  (CEO JLL Poland), Ewa Carr-de Avelon (Poland Country Executive BNY Mellon) Natalia Tomkiewicz (Global Poland Hub Lead GSK), Anna Urbanska (CEO Standard Chartered Global Business Services Poland), Marzena Zahlin (CEO Svenska Handelsbanken AB S A Oddział W Polsce).

Spotkanie nie odbyłoby się gdyby nie świetne organizatorki: Anna Stępień, Aleksandra Włodarczyk, Małgorzata Kloka i Iweta Opolska.

Kolejne spotkanie już wkrótce! ⏳

30%Club Brazil Award 2023


Premiação contemplou 17 empresas como exemplo de governança e equidade.



O 30% Club Brazil realizou a cerimônia de premiação da primeira edição do “30% Club Brazil Award 2023”. 

Na sede da PwC Brasil, em São Paulo, recebemos as 17 companhias premiadas, que fazem parte do IBrX100, foco do 30% Club globalmente, e que têm 30% ou mais de mais conselheiras no Conselho de Administração.

O levantamento, denominado “Boardwomen IBrX100 Index”, é realizado pela PwC. Em 2023, constatou-se a presença de 20% de conselheiras, em média, nas companhias do IBrX100.
Parabenizamos as companhias premiadas, esperando tê-las em 2024 também! São elas: B3, Banco do Brasil, BRF, Cogna Educação, Grupo Carrefour Brasil, Hypera, Magazine Luiza, M. Dias Branco, Natura, Porto, Rumo, Santander Brasil, Suzano, TIM Brasil, TOTVS, Vivara e Vivo (Telefônica Brasil).


O evento, conduzido pela presidente do Conselho de Administração do 30% Club Brazil, Anna Guimarães, MSc, MBA, CCA, contou com a liderança das companhias premiadas, além da participação do IBGC – Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa, B3, CVM, ANBIMA, IBRI – Instituto Brasileiro de Relações com Investidores, Ibracon Nacional, APIMEC Brasil, Amec, Abrasca e Abrapp – Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar, a quem agradecemos o apoio.


O 30% Club é uma organização global, presente em 18 países – voltada aos países do G20, que incentiva e contribui para que a paridade de gênero seja uma realidade não só nos Conselhos de Administração, mas também, nos cargos C-level das companhias. O Brasil foi convidado a integrar o clube em 2018.

Em iniciativa pioneira, o 30% Club Brazil, estabelece em 2023 o “30% Club Brazil Award”, e recomenda que seja adotado em nível global.

Nossos agradecimentos a todos que tornaram o evento possível, team do 30% Club Brazil, Marco Castro, Maria José De Mula Cury e equipe PwC, que seguem conosco também em 2024, na jornada pelo crescimento da paridade de gênero nos Conselhos de Administração.


Path to Parity! 

30% Club Poland objął patronatem 2. edycję Nagrody karty Różnorodności

30% Club Poland objął patronatem 2. edycję Nagrody karty Różnorodności, wyróżnienia przyznawanego za inicjatywy pracodawców związane z różnorodnością, równością i włączeniem (DEI)

W ramach programu pracodawcy zobowiązują się do wprowadzenia zakazu dyskryminacji w miejscu pracy i działania na rzecz tworzenia i promocji różnorodności. W Polsce Kartę Różnorodności koordynuje Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu. Obecnie inicjatywa skupia 338 pracodawców, oferując zrzeszonym podmiotom wsparcie merytoryczne pod postacią warsztatów, webinarów, grup roboczych, publikacji czy badania określającego stopień zaawansowania w zarządzaniu różnorodnością. Nagrody Karty Różnorodności zostaną przyznane w trzech kategoriach:

  • DEI w biznesie
  • DEI w sektorze pozabiznesowym
  • DEI w samorządach

W kategorii DEI w biznesie nagrody zostaną przyznane w obszarach:

  • partnerstwo – nagroda za współpracę międzysektorową przy realizacji działań na rzecz zarządzania różnorodnością
  • aktywizm korporacyjny – nagroda za zabranie głosu w sprawie ważnej społecznie
  • prawa dziecka w biznesie – nagroda za respektowania praw dzieci w kontekście oddziaływania podmiotu
  • wolontariat pracowniczy – nagroda za projekt wolontariacki związany z zarządzaniem różnorodnością
  • nowatorskie podejście – nagroda za nowatorskie działanie na rzecz zarządzania różnorodnością

Swoje inicjatywy z obszarów różnorodności, równości i włączania mogą zgłaszać firmy o dowolnej wielkości, samorządy, organizacje pozarządowe (fundacje i stowarzyszenia), uczelnie wyższe (zarówno prywatne, jak i państwowe), instytucje kultury oraz instytucje publiczne. Zgłaszane do konkursu działania mogą objąć inicjatywy na rzecz grup zagrożonych dyskryminacją (np. osoby starsze, osoby z niepełnosprawnościami, osoby LGBTQ+, kobiety, cudzoziemcy), cykle szkoleniowe i edukacyjne, współpraca międzysektorowa w obszarze różnorodności, ale też dokumenty wspierające zarządzanie różnorodnością w miejscu pracy, takie jak plan równości płci czy polityka antydyskryminacyjna.

Zgłoszenia do konkursu przyjmowane są do 23.02.24 r. poprzez formularz na stronie Nagrody (link powyżej). Udział w konkursie nie wiąże się z opłatami. Ogłoszenie wyników i przyznanie Nagród Karty Różnorodności nastąpi wiosną 2024 r. podczas inauguracji Miesiąca Różnorodności w Polsce.

Zapraszamy gorąco do udziału!

Empowering Women in Leadership: 30% Club Malaysia meets LAKSANA

Recently, 30% Club Malaysia sat down with a team of LAKSANA – Agensi Pelaksanaan Ekonomi & Koordinasi Strategik Nasional to discuss collaboration and support our continued agenda for Path to Parity.


Dato’ Ami Moris, our Chair along with steer-co members, Rejina Rahim of the Influence pillar and Norlela Baharudin of the Enable (Board Mentoring Scheme) pillar met with Sharifah Khairiyah and Shahrol of LAKSANA, an agency set up by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) to track and monitor the implementation of key government initiatives.


The agency believes that key initiatives such as those advocated by the 30% Club Malaysia to promote more diversity in boardrooms and C-suites receive support and collaboration with the regulators and policymakers.


During the discussion, representatives of 30% Club Malaysia proposed how the agenda of a 𝙋𝒂𝙩𝒉 𝒕𝙤 𝙋𝒂𝙧𝒊𝙩𝒚 can be furthered at various ministries e.g. MOF and the Ministry of Women Community and Family Development.


During the discussion, a key suggestion was made for the relevant authorities to take the lead in talent pipeline initiatives for both the public and private sectors.


The discussion also focused on influencing the investment ecosystem within Government-Linked Companies (GIC) and Government-Linked Investment Company (GLIC) in terms of promoting various measures to support more women-linked investment initiatives, women entrepreneurs, and more women participation at the policy-making level in the government and local authorities.


The 30% Club Malaysia is eager to work with the relevant ministries and agencies, as the potential benefits for the country are evident – a 36% boost in GDP, equivalent to USD20 billion, can be realised by aligning women’s workforce participation with that of men.


A study conducted by McKinsey & Company in collaboration with Lean In presents compelling evidence of a direct link between increased representation of women in leadership roles and higher return on equity.


The 30% Club Malaysia is hopeful and positive that it can forge a stronger collaboration with the Government as it strives to make further progress along the Path to Parity in the current year.