30% Club Ireland announces new sponsorship partnership with EY



DUBLIN: The 30% Club Ireland has announced a new sponsorship partnership with EY for 2022.  The partnership will include EY sponsorship of the Club’s Country Executive Role for 2022 and also sponsorship of a new modular programme for senior women in the technology industry (‘Navigating the path to C-Suite and beyond’) which the 30% Club will be launching to members this Spring. 


This modular programme will offer a unique combination of events and workshops focused on enabling greater progression of women in technology to the c-suite, while also establishing an invaluable network of supportive, like-minded peers and contacts with whom participants can explore ideas and share knowledge. The programme will ultimately support the 30% Club vision of at least 30% representation of women on boards and at C-Suite, in all industries.



Rachel Hussey, Chair of the 30% Club Ireland, commented: “We are delighted to welcome this new sponsorship arrangement with EY.  EY has been a strong supporter of the 30% Club since we established in Ireland in 2015, and this is a fantastic step forward and a great way to work together.  The 30% Club operates without membership fees therefore everything we do is only possible because of the generous support of our members through volunteering time and support for key activities.  This new partnership will help us continue to develop initiatives to enable our members achieve their diversity ambitions.”



As part of the sponsorship, EY Managing Partner, Frank O’Keeffe will join the Club’s Advisory Board for the next 12 months while Niamh O’Beirne, EY’s People Partner will join its Steering Group. EY will also speak at the Club’s flagship Chair and Council Event in March 2022 to look at best practice for organisations in adopting diversity, building progress and engaging wider stakeholders with market influence on the issue.



Commenting today on the new partnership, Frank O’Keeffe, EY Managing Partner, said: “I am delighted that EY Ireland is partnering with the Irish chapter of the 30% Club at this important time of change and opportunity for all. Following a tumultuous few years, the world is changing at pace and with it how we all live and work. Diversity in all aspects of life is crucial to ensure our collective success as a society and as a business community. Ensuring that we have a diverse and inclusive workforce in EY matters enormously to us and to our clients and it is a strategic priority for our leadership team.  I am really looking forward to EY playing an active part over the coming year in the great work of the 30% Club and in us working together to deliver great outcomes for Club members.”



While the 30% Club is focused primarily on the actions of Board Chairs and CEOs, the group also delivers ground-up initiatives to improve talent pipelines, as well as a cross company mentoring programme and an executive education scholarship programme in association with Irish Universities. It also operates a Board Connections directory comprising the profiles of more than 150 senior women in business across Ireland, who are interested in taking on a board role.  The directory is made available on request to Board Chairs, CEOs and search firms involved in the selection process for board roles.



Niamh O’Beirne, EY Ireland Partner, added: “As People Partner at EY I regularly see first-hand the huge contribution that diversity, in all its forms, brings to both the culture and performance of our organisation. It is essential that the business community leads by example in this space and that we remain committed to making progress towards greater diversity and inclusion, both in the boardroom and beyond. Clear plans coupled with decisive action are required to reach and exceed current targets for representation of women in boardrooms and I am proud that EY Ireland will continue its laser focus in this area in partnership with the 30% Club.”


For more information please visit 30percentclub.org


Notes to Editors:


About the 30% Club

The 30% Club is a global campaign supported by Board Chairs and CEOs of medium and large organisations, committed to achieving better gender balance at leadership levels and throughout their organisation, for better business outcomes. Established in 2015, the Irish chapter is supported by the leaders of more than 280 leading Irish businesses and organisations across all business sectors, representing more than 650,000 employees.



About EY

EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets.

Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.





Deloitte and 30% Club reveal latest global women in the boardroom stats

Deloitte web post graphic

Progress but it's slow

Deloitte, in collaboration with the  30% Club, today released the seventh edition of  Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective. 

It includes updates from 72 countries on representation of women in the boardroom, exploring insights on the political, social, and legislative trends behind these numbers. 

It found that nearly all countries have local organisations or governments committed to increasing the number of women serving on company boards.

While these private and public sector efforts demonstrate steps toward achieving parity, the pace of collective progress needs to pick up.

People often ask why the 30% Club is not the 50% Club given that our aim is parity. I think this report answers that question, we are still far from the 30% tipping point in many geographies

Ann Cairns, 30% Club global chair

Key higlights from the report include:

Globally, only one in five board seats are held by women           

A smaller group of women are taking on a large number of board seats – referred to as the ‘Stretch Factor’

Report reveals a disconnect between women holding roles on boards and in the executive.

Globally, only 6.7% of board chairs are women, and even fewer CEOs – 5% – are women

A global average of 19.7% of board seats are held by women, an increase of 2.8% since 2018 compared to a 1.9% increase in the period from 2016 to 2018

Companies with women CEOs have significantly more balanced boards than those with male CEOs: 33.5% vs 19.4%

Only three in 10 board seats held by women in UK behind leaders France, Norway and Italy in boardroom diversity

However, UK enters into top 10 global ranking and could reach boardroom gender parity by 2027.

Deloitte web post graphic (6)

Commenting on the report, which includes commentary from 30% Club chapters, global chair Ann Cairns said: “With the FTSE 100 on the brink of attaining 40% women in board roles, I am encouraged by Deloitte Global’s finding that UK parity could be reached by 2027. 

“People often ask why the 30% Club is not the 50% Club given that our aim is parity. I think this report answers that question, we are still far from the 30% tipping point in many geographies.” 

She added: “One of the report’s most interesting findings is the real balance that female leaders bring. If women CEOs can have more balanced boards, there’s no reason that male CEOs can’t.

“Finally, on the stretch, this speaks to the fact that women have a harder time being appointed if they don’t have previous board experience. Chairs and CEOs should be encouraged to give women their first board seat. 

“There is plenty of talent out there who would make great directors. This is very true for people of colour too, many of whom would welcome the chance to make a significant contribution at the top of the corporate world but remain significantly under-represented.”


Sharon Thorne, Deloitte Global Board Chair and member of the 30% Club, said: “While it’s heartening to see that the world continues to make progress towards achieving gender parity, with the exception of a few countries, overall progress remains slow and uneven.


“The pandemic has further challenged progress in achieving equality, making it even more important to move past discussion and take concrete actions to ensure inclusion within and beyond the boardroom including gender, ethnic and racial diversity among other characteristics.”


She adds: “Increasing the number of women on boards is only the first step on a larger journey.”

Where we are

The 30% Club has come a long way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.We now span six continents and more than 20 countries. We’re actively expanding into more G20 countries

Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek? Raport i debata

24 styczeń 2022 (poniedziałek)

godzina 13:00-14:30

Kamil Wyszkowski, Milena Olszewska-Miszuris, Joanna Ałasa, Anna Potocka-Domin, Mirosław Kachniewski, Małgorzata Rusewicz, Małgorzata Barska, Katarzyna Grajda

UN Global Compact Network Poland i 30% Club Poland serdecznie zapraszają na prezentację raportu „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021” oraz debatę „Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek?”.


Spotkanie odbędzie się już 24.01.20222 r. w godz. 13.00-14.30 i będzie transmitowane na kanałach social media UN Global Compact Network Poland. Serdecznie zapraszamy!


13.00 -13.10 Wystąpienie Kamila Wyszkowskiego, Przedstawiciela Krajowego i Dyrektora Wykonawczego UN Global Compact Network Poland
13.10 -13.25 Przedstawienie raportu 30% Club Poland Investor Group „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021”, Milena Olszewska-Miszuris, Co-Chair 30% Club Poland, Joanna Ałasa, Starszy Analityk NN Investment Partners TFI
13.25 -13.45 Wystąpienie przedstawicielki globalnej Investor Group 30% Club, Marte Borhaug, Co-Chair 30% Club UK Investor Group
13.45 -14.25 Debata: Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek?
• Anna Potocka-Domin, Dyrektorka Programu Standard Etyki w Polsce, UN Global Compact Network Poland
• Mirosław Kachniewski, Prezes Zarządu Stowarzyszenia Emitentów Giełdowych,
• Małgorzata Rusewicz, Prezes Zarządu Izby Zarządzających Funduszami i Aktywami,
• Małgorzata Barska, Prezes Zarządu NN Investment Partners TFI,
• Katarzyna Grajda, Senior Client Partner, Korn Ferry
Dyskusję moderować będzie Agnieszka Kopacz, Wirtualna Polska

14.25 -14.30 Zakończenie wydarzenia


Celem panelu jest dyskusja na temat realnych działań, które muszą być podjęte, aby zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek. W panelu usłyszymy szeroki głos interesariuszy tego zagadnienia, przedstawicieli inwestorów instytucjonalnych, spółek giełdowych oraz firm doradztwa personalnego. Poszukamy rozwiązań, które można i warto wprowadzić.


Pretekstem do dyskusji będzie raport 30% Club Poland Investor Group „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021”, którego Partnerem jest UN Global Compact Network Poland. Raport diagnozuje przyczyny niskiego poziomu nominacji kobiet na członków rad nadzorczych przez krajowych inwestorów instytucjonalnych. Zdaniem respondentów kluczowymi barierami są: 1) niewystarczająca liczba kobiet we własnych bazach kandydatów oraz 2) mniej aktywny sposób promocji swoich kandydatur przez kobiety.


Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pełną treścią raportu tutaj.


Serdecznie zapraszamy!


Grandes empresas con solo un 16.9% de mujeres en sus juntas directivas

¿Colombia Cómo Vamos?

Cesa y Club del 30 % diagnosticaron la situación de las 200 empresas más grandes del país y el panorama sobre la equidad de género es más desalentador que el de los emisores de valor.

Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące Programu Mentoringowego

25 styczeń 2022 (wtorek)

godzina 14:00

Liz Dimmock

Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie z założycielką programu mentoringowego Moving Ahead, Liz Dimmock. Spotkanie odbędzie się 25 stycznia o godzinie 14:00 i ma na celu zaprezentowanie założeń programu. Będzie to okazja do rozwiania wątpliwości co do przebiegu programu, języka, liczby uczestników i kosztów – zatem wszelkich kwestii, jakie nam Państwo sygnalizowaliście w ubiegłych miesiącach. Mamy nadzieję, ze uda się stworzyć wspólną przestrzeń do wykreowania najlepszego programu mentoringowego dla Państwa firmy i pracowników.

Prosimy o potwierdzenie swojego uczestnictwa poprzez zaakceptowanie zaproszenia, które roześlemy do Państwa mailowo.


Program Mentoringowy

Zachęcamy naszych członków do przyłączenia się do największego na świecie programu mentoringowego (30% Club cross-company mentoring programme). Jest to międzysektorowy program promujący różnorodność w miejscu pracy, prowadzony przez ekspertów firmy Moving Ahead. W Wielkiej Brytanii program działa już ósmy rok, w 2021 po raz pierwszy uczestniczyły kolejne kraje: USA, Meksyk, Hong Kong oraz Dubaj. W każdym z tych krajów projekt okazał się być dużym sukcesem. Polska dołączy z początkiem przyszłego roku, ale już teraz zachęcamy, żeby się zapoznać ze szczegółami i dokonać zgłoszenia.


Główne założenia programu:

  • POSTAWY: buduje i wzmacnia niezbędne postawy w celu osiągnięcia parytetu kobiet na stanowiskach kierowniczych i zarządczych,
  • SYSTEM: dopasowuje mentorowane kobiety ze wszystkich szczebli kariery do starszych mentorów (mężczyzn i kobiet) z innej organizacji,
  • NIEZWYŁE DOŚWIADCZENIE: ponad 12,000 mentorów i mentee w 220 organizacjach.
  • IMPACT: z każdej organizacji udział może wziąć 10 par.


Program trwa 9 miesięcy, podczas których pary mentoringowe spotykają się co najmniej 5 razy. Dodatkowo przewidziane są specjalnie dedykowane spotkania dla całej grupy uczestników programu. Więcej informacji na stronie Moving Ahead (moving-ahead.org)


Participación de mujeres en juntas directivas de Colombia es baja

One Woman Director on Each Board – Detrimental or Good for Company Performance

Following the announcement by the government to make it mandatory for all public listed companies to appoint at least one woman into its board of directors. The 30% Club Malaysia held a poll (LinkedIn) on whether making the requirement mandatory can be detrimental or good for company.

The poll revealed that 34% of the voters felt that the requirements raise issues around tokenism while 31% felt that there is a need for a clear roadmap for Boards. About 27% felt that the board performance will improve while 8% cited other reasons. 

Marina Yong commented that it’s interesting that diversity in terms of gender has to be enforced but because of the historicity, it is a necessary kick. 

“Hopefully, this requirement will become archaic in the future when gender representation is no longer ‘skewed’ towards a male-centric system. How far into the future before this mandate is no longer required?”

“Will it be dependent on a percentage composition on every board or an average percentage across all boards that is based on the population gender ratio? Tricky question that will need to continue to be debated as time evolves. Next question would be ethnic diversity. Another interesting debate,”. 

An interesting comment made by Michael Warren was when markers of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion become mandated criteria considered, boards and companies and shareholders are cheated. Nothing is more constraining than diversity understood strictly in terms of identity. 

Hazlina Hashim felt although it was a great move but there must be clear guidelines. “We don’t want cases where the same names are recruited over and over again which is what is going on now. How can we prevent that from happening?”

Meanwhile Iqbal Abdul Rahim strongly agreed that there is need to develop more women leaders. Brandon Ong is hopeful that a more representative board will lead to a more representative company – diversity of thought is important in making business decisions and promoting good firm culture.  

The feedback given by our LinkedIn followers were interesting and needs to be explored further. The poll is a good start.

Diverse and inclusive boards bring about better ideas, effective problem solving and, ultimately, greater chances of success. It is our hope that with this announcement by the government, it encourages the remaining companies to recognise the business value of a diverse boardroom, starting with gender diversity, and compel them to action. 

The mandatory requirement is expected to be enforced from Sept 1, 2022 for big capital companies and June 1, 2023 other listed companies. 

A total of 89 voters took part in this poll, which ran from 29th November 2021 until 6th December 2021. We would like to thank everyone who took part in this poll. 

Boardroom Realities: Are You Ready?

Aspiring women board candidates need to remember that they are also competing against each other when being considered for board seats. 

Securing the Board
An aspiring candidate needs to stand out by positioning herself via networking and leveraging effectively on social media. The LinkedIn profile should reflect the gist of her board profile. The key here is “The Boards must have heard of you.”

“As a board member, you are expected to be able to contribute in a wide range of topics during board meetings. Therefore, acquiring broad knowledge beyond your specialised knowledge/skills is a necessity.”

The panelists, Johan Raslan and Tunku Alina Alias were sharing their thoughts at the recent panel session on Conversations with Mentors: Boardroom Realities: Are you ready? The moderators were Nikki Gee and, Tengku Marina Badlishah (who is also the host). The event was an initiative by Mentee Circle through its Board Mentoring Scheme.

If a situation arises – assuming the merits of two board candidates are the same – the differentiating factor in the choice of candidates may include chemistry and fit.  

When you are in Board
As part of prep for your first board meeting, do get to know each board member and understand the board dynamics. 

“Be courageous; speak-out and get your comments minuted; trust your guts! Choose your battles wisely!.” echoed the panelists. 

Also, do keep yourselves updated with ESG. Do attend ESG-related webinars. Understand how companies do their business and make profit and understand how employees/workers are being treated. 

The above are the views shared by the panelists at the recently concluded panel session earlier this month.

CnetG Asia wins the UN Women Award in the Gender-Responsive Marketplace

Congratulations to CnetG Asia on winning the UN Women Award in the Gender-Responsive Marketplace category at the 2021 Malaysia Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Awards virtual ceremony recently.

Its managing partner Raj Kumar Paramanathan said “When we empower women, we empower the society, minorities and marginalised communities. The journey is challenging not because of resistance, but lack of awareness, education and measurable data on benefits to the business.

“This award underscores the two decades of efforts and silent work we have been investing in diversity and inclusion, particularly gender diversity,” he said.

Raj Kumar is a member of the steering committee at 30% Club Malaysia, a business led campaign that promotes diversity on boards. 

As a key strategic partner of the 30% Club Malaysia, CnetG Asia, an executive search and, people advisory firm, supports members with executive and board sourcing code and board profile writing masterclass for mentees of the Board Mentoring Scheme, which is one of the pillars of the 30% Club Malaysia.

“Our executive recruitment process is governed by our Diversity Statement which is a set of 5 principles that ensure an inclusive approach with gender lens to ensure a wider pool of talent are considered, eliminating unconscious bias and gender stereotyping in the decision making process. CnetG Asia engages and coaches women through the recruitment process to ensure they succeed in the career transition. We advocate these principles with our clients to support them in their diversity agenda,” he said.

United Nations Women Representative for Asia and the Pacific Sarah Knibbs, commended the efforts made in the country’s business community overall. “The surge in WEPs signatories in Malaysia over the past year is an impressive demonstration of commitment,” she said. 

“The UN Women WEPs Activator Campaign with LeadWomen is helping companies translate this commitment into action empowering women across the value chain. We are proud to celebrate the first WEP Awards in Malaysia to make these efforts visible, showcase best practices, and inspire others to act and create a more gender-inclusive world.” she added.

The Gender-responsive Marketplace category recognised corporations for embracing a gender-lens throughout their value-chains from sourcing to disposal. 

This includes championing supplier diversity, gender-inclusive distribution and selling, and gender-responsive marketing and advertising. 

It also includes supporting women entrepreneurs through capacity development or market access opportunities, implementing progressive programmes and/or policies to incentive procurement from women-owned businesses or other gender-responsive companies. 

The award was also given to companies with actions or programmes that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in advertisements and other sales and marketing activities.