What do we know (and do not know) about diversity and inclusion issues in finance?

21 April 2022 (Thursday)


Anna Golec PhD, Anna Zamojska PhD



What do diversity and inclusion mean in finance? During the webinar topic regarding operationalisation challenges (definitions, measurement, models, etc.) and strengths and weaknesses of popular D&I research reports will be discussed.

The lecture “What we know (and what we do not know) about the issue of diversity and inclusion in finance” “in English on behalf of 30% Club Poland will be given by two researchers:

– Anna Golec, PhD, Co-founder and Ambassador of 30% Club Poland,
– Anna Zamojska, PhD from the Department of Econometrics at the University of Gdańsk.


The lecture is part of the series of webinars “Enhance Your Chance” organized by the QuantFin – Foundation.

On-line registration here. 

Bank Islam Malaysia Comes On-board


On International Women’s Day 2022 the 30% Club Malaysia welcomed its latest Corporate Advocate, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). A virtual event to commemorate these two important milestones was hosted by BIMB.



More than 160 guests from within BIMB, in addition to 30% Club Malaysia Corporate Advocates and volunteers tuned in to the event.


It began with a welcome address by Mohd Muazzam Mohamed, Group CEO, BIMB who shared the various initiatives to advance diversity, equity and inclusion within the bank and in its operations. He also shared the commimentment to #breakthebias



Then 30% Club Malaysia’s Chair Ami Moris addressed the guests and highlighted that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a business case for Malaysia to build world-class companies that can compete with the global best.


Some of the notable updates she shared was that women representation on the top 100 PLC boards rose to 26% in February 2022, close to double what it was in 2015 (14%) when the chapter was established. Moreover, the women representation on the boards of all the 900+ PLCs has also steadily increased to 18% from 11%.



She also shared that the 30% Club Malaysia’s mission is validated by the announcement at Budget 2022 that it is mandatory for PLCs to appoint a female director by September this year. 

Additionally, Bursa Malaysia’s recently launched PLC Transformation (PLCT) Programme also specifies diversity metrics as a measure of effectiveness of governance and talent management efforts.



30% Club Malaysia looks forward to more collaborative initiatives with BIMB and our other Corporate Advocates in 2022.





Elevating Investability: DEI Conversations #1

Last month we kickstart our conversation on the business case for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), why it matters for great leadership, and how we can #breakthebias with our webinar, DEI Conversation #1: Elevating Investability.

More than 500 participants from Malaysia and the ASEAN region attended the webinar. Among the participants were CEOs/board members, senior leaders, fund managers from Malaysia and the ASEAN region. 

There were two-panel discussions. The speakers for Panel 1 were Albern Murty, CEO, Digi Telecommunications, Jalil Rasheed, former Group CEO, Berjaya Corporation while the Moderator was Dato’ Ami Moris, Chair, 30% Club Malaysia.

Watch the recording here.

The speakers for Panel 2 were Amar Gill, MD & Head of Investment Stewardship, APAC, BlackRock, Chitra Hepburn, MD&Head of ESG, APAC, MSCI, Shahril Azuar Jimin, CSO, Maybank Group and the moderator was Dr Tunku Alina Alias, Independent Director, Nestle, MPI, Batu Kawan IJM Corp. 

Watch the recording here.

The event partners were Securities Commission Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia, Minority Shareholders Watch Group, Institutional Investors Council Malaysia, Malaysian Association of Asset Managers, and our Knowledge Partner PwC Malaysia.

Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek? Raport i debata

24 styczeń 2022 (poniedziałek)

godzina 13:00-14:30

Kamil Wyszkowski, Milena Olszewska-Miszuris, Joanna Ałasa, Anna Potocka-Domin, Mirosław Kachniewski, Małgorzata Rusewicz, Małgorzata Barska, Katarzyna Grajda

UN Global Compact Network Poland i 30% Club Poland serdecznie zapraszają na prezentację raportu „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021” oraz debatę „Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek?”.


Spotkanie odbędzie się już 24.01.20222 r. w godz. 13.00-14.30 i będzie transmitowane na kanałach social media UN Global Compact Network Poland. Serdecznie zapraszamy!


13.00 -13.10 Wystąpienie Kamila Wyszkowskiego, Przedstawiciela Krajowego i Dyrektora Wykonawczego UN Global Compact Network Poland
13.10 -13.25 Przedstawienie raportu 30% Club Poland Investor Group „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021”, Milena Olszewska-Miszuris, Co-Chair 30% Club Poland, Joanna Ałasa, Starszy Analityk NN Investment Partners TFI
13.25 -13.45 Wystąpienie przedstawicielki globalnej Investor Group 30% Club, Marte Borhaug, Co-Chair 30% Club UK Investor Group
13.45 -14.25 Debata: Jak zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek?
• Anna Potocka-Domin, Dyrektorka Programu Standard Etyki w Polsce, UN Global Compact Network Poland
• Mirosław Kachniewski, Prezes Zarządu Stowarzyszenia Emitentów Giełdowych,
• Małgorzata Rusewicz, Prezes Zarządu Izby Zarządzających Funduszami i Aktywami,
• Małgorzata Barska, Prezes Zarządu NN Investment Partners TFI,
• Katarzyna Grajda, Senior Client Partner, Korn Ferry
Dyskusję moderować będzie Agnieszka Kopacz, Wirtualna Polska

14.25 -14.30 Zakończenie wydarzenia


Celem panelu jest dyskusja na temat realnych działań, które muszą być podjęte, aby zwiększyć udział kobiet we władzach spółek. W panelu usłyszymy szeroki głos interesariuszy tego zagadnienia, przedstawicieli inwestorów instytucjonalnych, spółek giełdowych oraz firm doradztwa personalnego. Poszukamy rozwiązań, które można i warto wprowadzić.


Pretekstem do dyskusji będzie raport 30% Club Poland Investor Group „Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021”, którego Partnerem jest UN Global Compact Network Poland. Raport diagnozuje przyczyny niskiego poziomu nominacji kobiet na członków rad nadzorczych przez krajowych inwestorów instytucjonalnych. Zdaniem respondentów kluczowymi barierami są: 1) niewystarczająca liczba kobiet we własnych bazach kandydatów oraz 2) mniej aktywny sposób promocji swoich kandydatur przez kobiety.


Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pełną treścią raportu tutaj.


Serdecznie zapraszamy!


¿Colombia Cómo Vamos?

Cesa y Club del 30 % diagnosticaron la situación de las 200 empresas más grandes del país y el panorama sobre la equidad de género es más desalentador que el de los emisores de valor.

Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące Programu Mentoringowego

25 styczeń 2022 (wtorek)

godzina 14:00

Liz Dimmock

Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie z założycielką programu mentoringowego Moving Ahead, Liz Dimmock. Spotkanie odbędzie się 25 stycznia o godzinie 14:00 i ma na celu zaprezentowanie założeń programu. Będzie to okazja do rozwiania wątpliwości co do przebiegu programu, języka, liczby uczestników i kosztów – zatem wszelkich kwestii, jakie nam Państwo sygnalizowaliście w ubiegłych miesiącach. Mamy nadzieję, ze uda się stworzyć wspólną przestrzeń do wykreowania najlepszego programu mentoringowego dla Państwa firmy i pracowników.

Prosimy o potwierdzenie swojego uczestnictwa poprzez zaakceptowanie zaproszenia, które roześlemy do Państwa mailowo.


Program Mentoringowy

Zachęcamy naszych członków do przyłączenia się do największego na świecie programu mentoringowego (30% Club cross-company mentoring programme). Jest to międzysektorowy program promujący różnorodność w miejscu pracy, prowadzony przez ekspertów firmy Moving Ahead. W Wielkiej Brytanii program działa już ósmy rok, w 2021 po raz pierwszy uczestniczyły kolejne kraje: USA, Meksyk, Hong Kong oraz Dubaj. W każdym z tych krajów projekt okazał się być dużym sukcesem. Polska dołączy z początkiem przyszłego roku, ale już teraz zachęcamy, żeby się zapoznać ze szczegółami i dokonać zgłoszenia.


Główne założenia programu:

  • POSTAWY: buduje i wzmacnia niezbędne postawy w celu osiągnięcia parytetu kobiet na stanowiskach kierowniczych i zarządczych,
  • SYSTEM: dopasowuje mentorowane kobiety ze wszystkich szczebli kariery do starszych mentorów (mężczyzn i kobiet) z innej organizacji,
  • NIEZWYŁE DOŚWIADCZENIE: ponad 12,000 mentorów i mentee w 220 organizacjach.
  • IMPACT: z każdej organizacji udział może wziąć 10 par.


Program trwa 9 miesięcy, podczas których pary mentoringowe spotykają się co najmniej 5 razy. Dodatkowo przewidziane są specjalnie dedykowane spotkania dla całej grupy uczestników programu. Więcej informacji na stronie Moving Ahead (moving-ahead.org)


A discussion on leadership at AI Summit 2020

Are there differences in the leadership DNA of female and male leaders?

“Women leaders have handled the Covid-19 crisis better than their male counterparts.”

“Regardless of gender, there are 4 fundamental traits of a leader – higher level of self-awareness, learning agility, skills to influence and communication skills.”

“Be gender blind even with yourself and you’ll find out more often than not they will treat you equally.”

“Its crucial to have an open mindset and be receptive.”

These were some of the views discussed at the recent AI Summit 2020, where 30% Club Malaysia was a supporting partner. The panel discussion was moderated by Raj Kumar Paramanathan, Managing Partner of CnetG Asia and a 30% Club Advocate.

Five eminent panelists, CEO and Country Head of Sun Life Rizalina Mantaring, Board Director Ayla Majid, HSBC Malaysia Head of Commercial Banking Karel Avni Doshi, Executive Search & Board Advisor for African Markets Debbie Goodman-Bhyat, and Center for Creative Leadership Senior Director and Head of Asia Research Sunil Puri, shared their views on what leadership traits are and their relevance for a sustainable and inclusive new world.

More women in boards: IdDC awards scholarships for the “Effective Directories” program 2020

In order to promote diversity and inclusion on the boards, as well as increase the incorporation of women in the Senior Management of companies, the Institute of Directors of Chile, IdDC, awarded two scholarships for its corporate governance program “Effective Directories” 2020.

Ana María Rabagliati from Antofagasta Minerals and Gabriela Feierabend from Willis Towers Watson were the winners. After receiving the news, Ana María Rabagliati, Vice President of Human Resources at Antofagasta Minerals, said us that she was “very enthusiastic and grateful for the opportunity they have given me to participate in this program. I believe that it will give me effective tools to contribute from my role as director and acquire knowledge that will allow me to strengthen my contribution to the development of good corporate governance of companies. ”

At the same time, Gabriela Feierabend, CFO of Willis Towers Watson Chile, said us she is “very grateful to be able to participate and earn this scholarship for the Directory Efectivos program. I firmly believe in gender equality and that there is no barrier in women if we believe in ourselves. I hope that this program will give us a different perspective as directors and how to act in this ‘new reality’ in a responsible and effective way ”.

The scholarship was focused on women candidates from the companies associated with the Club of 30%, with an experience of at least 15 years, of which the last 5 have been in leadership positions and roles and who are currently aspiring to be board member.

Club Leaders meet up

“There will be no progress if one doesn’t work actively. Looking at each other and wonder why the absence of female leadership in our strategic initiatives, has been important to think about our culture that we must change”, says Hernán Rodríguez, President of Colbún Energía and Member of the 30% Club Chile. 



At the same time, Juan Carlos Eichholz told us “How diversity culture and female leadership attributes are very necessary at digital age. In addition, there are experiments that have shown that teams work improves when there is 30% as minimum representation”.



Ricardo Falú, GG of AES Gener told us about his successful experience incorporating 50% of women at work in Colombia and the support to them. Both companies are competition, but they are collaborating and sharing best practices.



30% Club Chile: First business leaders breakfast

Chile: In our first activity, Ann Cairns, Global Chair of the 30% Club and Executive Vice Chair of Mastercard, welcomed us and shared the experience in the UK and other countries and how they have been able to achieve their goals.

Participants could share different best practices, policies and vision of the impact of diversity in their organizations, interest in Club of 30% Chile purpose, in particular for CEOs and Presidents, through the Investor Group and in the redefinition of merit and talent search.

Different key players took part in this event such as Ivan Arriagada, Chief Executive Officer AMSA; Ana Maria Rabagliati, VP of  Human Resources AMSA; Rene Aguilar, VP of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability AMSA; Cecilia Arrue, Corporate Technical Manager Processing Minera Zaldivar; Rosario Orchard, VP of Planning and Control Management Minera Centinela; Paula Aguirre, VP of Finance Minera Antucoya and Edgar Rojas, VP of Organizational Development AMSA.