What is the 30% Club?
We are a business campaign aiming to boost the number of women in board seats and executive leadership of companies all over the world.
More than 1,000 board chairs and CEOs across more than 20 countries have already signed up as members to deliver at least 30% female representation at both levels.
Our aim
We call on our members to commit to at least 30% female representation on their boards and executive leadership teams because this is the critical mass at which minority voices become heard. Our ultimate goal is parity.
Who we are
We’re a voluntary organisation of senior professionals committed to making business better across more than 20 countries.
Our members are board chairs and CEOs but there are lots of ways for individuals and organisations to support our campaign to bring about change.
Our partners
We’re a collaborative campaign working with a wide range of organisations to bring about our aims. We work with multinational corporations, governments, universities, NGOs and networking groups to name but a few.
Membership is free. Criteria vary across our chapters but it’s generally open to board chairs, CEOs and equivalents, usually of listed companies or companies with at least 250 employees in the chapter country.
Members lead by example and use their influence to bring about change in and outside their own organisations.
Where we are
The 30% Club has come a long way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.
We now span six continents and more than 20 countries. We’re actively expanding into more G20 countries.

News & Events
We have a host of exciting news and events from 30% Club chapters around the world. Click below to find out what’s happening near you.