Engagement with Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Recently, members of the Activate Pillar of 30% Club Malaysia met with representatives of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), the national utility company. 

The purpose of the meeting was to share and introduce efforts by 30% Club Malaysia to increase awareness of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion amongst PLCs.

This very engaging interaction strongly echoes the raison d’etre of 30% Club Malaysia which is to build an ecosystem of corporations, advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the country.

Shukreen Ma of Tenaga Nasional Berhad and her team were on hand to meet Marzida Mohd Noor, Raj Kumar Paramanathan, Geetha Kandiah and Frances P. of the 30% Club Malaysia’s Activate Pillar.

Sharing session with Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance

As part of an ongoing initiative, members from the Activate Pillar of the 30% Club Malaysia met with representatives of the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG).

During the meeting, Marzida Mohd Noor, Raj Kumar Paramanathan and Wan Mazlina Wan Mustafa introduced various initiatives carried out by the 30% Club Malaysia to increase awareness on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion amongst PLCs.

Moving forward the 30% Club Malaysia and MICG agree to explore joint opportunities to reach a larger audience and focus to enhance Corporate Governance in the boardroom.

At the 30% Club Malaysia, we seek to work alongside organisations and leverage on expertise, readily available resources and experience to build and progress women into leadership positions in corporate Malaysia.

This comes at an opportune time as the 30% Club Malaysia continues to work on building an ecosystem of corporations, advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the country.

Roshni Jayantilal and her team at MICG were on hand to receive members of the 30% Club Activate Pillar.

Collaborating with Edinburgh Business School on higher education for women

Meeting with Professor Dr. Heather McGregor, Dean of Edinburgh Business School, Herriot Watt University, who is also a co-founder of 30%Club UK.  Expanding the collaboration on higher education for women, via the MBA scholarship.

Celebration of Cohort 4

The 30% Club Board Mentoring Scheme is a board level cross-sector mentoring programme to support the professional development of selected board-ready women.   

Three cohorts of mentees have completed our program since its launch in July 2017, and a celebration was held to recognise cohort #4’s completion at ICDM. 

The occassion  was graced by Datuk Shireen Muhiudeen, Chairman, Bursa Malaysia, who participated in a candid and enlightening fireside chat, sharing her vast experience as a director on various boards and what the board of the future should look like – what capabilities and mindsets would be required to provide the necessary leadership for change.  

Get on Board with Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and Jabatan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia

The Talent Pipeline Workgroup embarked on a “Get on Board”  roadshow in 2018 to galvanise support for the movement amongst the many corporations and female professionals in Malaysia. This session was held as part of the Lady Surveyors Coffee Morning organized by the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and Jabatan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia, at the Setia International Center, KL Ecocity.

Get on Board with the KL Bar

The Talent Pipeline Workgroup embarked on a “Get on Board”  roadshow in 2018 to galvanise support for the movement amongst the many corporations and female professionals in Malaysia. This session was held with about 25 female members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar.

Get on Board with the HR Leaders’ Circle

The Talent Pipeline Workgroup embarked on a “Get on Board”  roadshow in 2018 to galvanise support for the movement amongst the many corporations and female professionals in Malaysia. This session was held with about 30 members of the HR Leaders’ Circle and hosted by Zahira Sughra Zainuddin, Head, Corporate Project (Talent) and her capable team at Petronas.

Heriot-Watt University in Partnership with The 30% Club Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 MARCH 2019 – In celebration of International Women’s Day 2019, Heriot-Watt University in partnership with the 30% Club Malaysia Chapter are pleased to announce their annual scholarship offer of RM58,050 for a successful female applicant to attend a two-year, part-time MBA programme at its Edinburgh Business School Malaysia campus.

This will be their third year of collaboration platformed on a shared long-term vision to drive higher women representation in leadership and decision-making positions.

Applications for the 2019 scholarship will open from 1st April to 30th June.

Heriot-Watt University has long been a proponent of inclusivity in education. In 1869, it became the first Scottish university to open its doors to women.

“An MBA is a proven pathway to building successful careers and yet most of our applicants are men. Together with the 30% Club, we established the annual woman scholarship with the end game to increase women representation at senior levels of business,” says Professor Mushtak Al-Atabi, CEO Heriot-Watt University Malaysia.

Echoing this sentiment, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, Founding Chair of the 30% Club Malaysia Chapter said, “Our partnership with Heriot-Watt University is in line with the 30% Club’s objectives of strengthening the female boardroom pipeline to ensure that we get better gender balance in the boardrooms of Malaysian companies.”

Since its formation in May 2015, the 30% Club Malaysia Chapter has embarked on several initiatives, including its signature Mentoring Programme, which is a platform to provide boardready women and new women directors an opportunity to network and raise their visibility in the right board circles.

Latest statistics show Malaysia recording 15.7% women directors on the boards across all public-listed companies and 24.4% across the top 100 companies, putting it in lead position on gender diversity among the ASEAN countries.

Interested applicants can find details on the scholarship and how to apply by visiting https://30percentclub.org/initiatives/business-schools#mbas

Hannah Yeoh Graces the Board Mentoring Celebration

The 30% Club Malaysia recently had a board mentoring celebration which was graced by YB Hannah Yeoh, Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development.

The board mentoring programme helps fast track mentees’ appreciation of director duties and accountabilities through interactions with experienced mentors.

The 30% Club Malaysia has four cohorts since the programme was launched in July last year, with two cycles completed and two more ongoing.

Get on Board with the MIA

The Talent Pipeline Workgroup embarked on a “Get on Board”  roadshow in 2018 to galvanise support for the movement amongst the many corporations and female professionals in Malaysia.

The third session was held with 54 members of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA).