Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to know about the 30% Club

When the campaign originally launched in the UK back in 2010, there were just 12% women on FTSE 100 boards and 30% was an aspirational stretch target.

At that time, we also identified research suggesting that 30% represents a critical mass from which point minority groups can impact boardroom dynamics. Our 30% target is a minimum objective – it represents a floor not a ceiling – ultimately we are striving for gender balance.

To this day, 30% women – either at board or senior management level – remains a stretch for many organisations throughout the world.

​While there’s no shortage of reasons to support diversity & inclusion on social and ethical grounds, an overwhelming body of empirical evidence now corroborates the intuitive argument that more diverse boards are more effective than ‘identikit’ boards in delivering better decision-making, and this extends the debate beyond a social issue to an urgent business imperative.

There are some helpful resources provided by Catalyst here.

The 30% Club’s activities have been made possible through the generosity of volunteers and organisations who have kindly hosted events and provided in support in kind. We are grateful to all those companies and to our Steering Committee members and working group members for their ongoing support. If you would like to help us, please contact us at

Companies get involved either through their Chair and/or CEO’s support or through the Steering Committee and Working Groups. If your business is also involved in improving gender diversity, we welcome discussion and the opportunity to collaborate.

Affiliated organisations tend to be not-for-profits, non-partisan organisations or other campaigning groups.

Scarcity of women at senior levels is a global phenomenon. We are keen to support and encourage the establishment of 30% Clubs in other countries within the context of basic philosophical and practical parameters. Please contact us via

Yes! All chapters of the 30% Club have common targets for their CEO and chair members to achieve beyond 30% female representation at board and executive committee level in their organisations. The ultimate aim is parity. Some countries which are starting with a much lower percentage than 30% may set interim targets.

Membership of the 30% Club is exclusive to Chairs, CEOs and equivalents, usually of listed companies. There is no fee for joining.

However, we welcome support from organisations and individuals. Please complete this form if you would like to get involved or to find out more about the membership criteria of specific chapters.

No (except in highly exceptional circumstances). The 30% Club is opposed to mandatory quotas, believing that business-led, voluntary action is the best way to achieve meaningful change.

We’re not interested in seeing a few token women at the top; rather we seek sustainable change at all levels. Setting a numerical target, like business-plan objectives, creates a sense of urgency and sustains focus.

There are many actions that organisations can take, including supporting women with networks, mentors, coaching and sponsorship on the one hand, and up-skilling and informing leaders and managers about the value of diversity and inclusion on the other. If you’re based in the UK or the US, please email us at to receive more details of our Mentoring Scheme, aimed at ensuring that women progress to senior levels within their organisations.

Mary Strange is the Global Campaign Manager and Ani Williams the UK Campaign Coordinator. The email address will reach them and the rest of the global media team. For other chapters, please look up the contact information provided on their chapter pages.

Where we are

The 30% Club has come along way from when it was set up in the UK in 2010.

We now span six continents and more than 20 countries and are are actively expanding into more G20 countries. 

News & Events

We have a host of exciting news and events from 30% Club chapters around the world. Click below to find out what’s happening near you.