Last month our Corporate Member AMCHAM Malaysia (American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce) along with 30% Club Malaysia hosted “Inspiring Allyship”. It was a special networking event to bring together corporate leaders, professionals, and advocates who share a common vision of cultivating a more inclusive corporate landscape.
The evening began with a welcome address by Siobhan Das Bachran (贝诗凡) CEO, AMCHAM. Our Chair, Dato’ Ami Moris then shared with us some insights about what’s needed to move the needle further to improve gender DEI on company boards and at senior management levels within Corporate Malaysia.
She also shared the good news that as at June 2023, women occupy 31% of the top 100 PLCs’ board seats in Malaysia. This was to have been achieved by the end of 2023, but advocacy and regulation have helped bring this forward! Now begins our journey to parity with more male allies on board.
Three corporate leaders who are male allies also shared their thoughts and experiences about Male Allyship. In the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), a male ally refers to a man who actively supports and advocates for gender equality and works to dismantle gender-based biases and discrimination.
Male allies recognise the systemic barriers and inequities that women and other marginalised genders face and take action to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment.
We heard from Ahmad Shahriman M. CEO, CIMB Islamic Bank who shared with us about “Unlocking the power of male allyship”. This was followed by Rohit Nambiar, Group Chief Executive Officer, Tune Protect Group who enlightened us about “Allyship In Action. Then, Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, CEO, PEMANDU Associates shared his thoughts on “Managing Polarities” and ended his presentation with a mash up of two Blues songs. One an original composition “Hey Brother, Hey Sister” and the Eric Clapton classic “Before You Accuse Me (Take a look at yourself)”.
There was also a brief Q & A with all three speakers that may spur more male allies to join us on our journey to parity.