Welcome to the Australia Chapter

Our aim

To support the achievement of a minimum of 30% Gender Balance at all senior decision-making tables across Australia, including Boards and c-Suite.

Who we are

The 30% Club Australia launched in May 2015 with the primary objective of campaigning for 30 per cent women on ASX 200 boards by the end 2018. Nicola Wakefield-Evans is the Country Lead and is working closely with the Steering Committee, our Ambassador Chairs and a number of Working Groups and valued supporters from around the country in promoting the benefits of diversity at all levels of business. In March 2019 the 30% Club announced a new objective for 30 per cent women on ASX 300 boards by the end of 2021. The 30% Club will continue to focus on the boards of ASX 200 companies that have not reached the 30 per cent target.



Activate senior leaders

Engage chairs and CEOs to drive change and support organisations in their diversity & inclusion endeavours, with a specific focus on gender.



Influence those with power to drive change

Influence at a national level on diversity related topics and working complementary to other national initiatives including Balance for Better Business, the State Boards Diversity Initiative.



Enabling future women leaders

Support the development of talent pipeline through mentoring, executive education scholarships and board-ready initiatives

"By bringing together influential company chairs, directors, investors, head-hunters and CEOs, we want to drive a business-led approach to increasing gender balance that changes the way companies approach diversity issues"

Patricia Cross, 30% Club Australia Founder/past chair, Non-Executive Director

Chapter progress

Australia is one of few countries that have achieved 30 per cent women on the boards of its largest companies – which now includes its top 300 companies – without mandated quotas or intervention.


We know the work is far from done but the trajectory of change Australia has witnessed in its top companies over the past decade demonstrates that the approach Australia has taken – a business-led voluntary approach to targets – can work.


Below shows how far Australia has progressed in the ASX 300 for gender diversity over a number of years.












The 30% Club Australia Chapter members consist of Chairs from ASX 200 and 300 companies.

The organisation does not need to be at the 30 per cent target now in order for them to become a 30% Club supporter.  Their public endorsement signifies their commitment to try and achieve gender diversity on their boards.

Filter by Chapter
Company Member name Job Title Chapter membership
Westpac Banking Corporation & Transurban Limited Mr Lindsay Maxsted FAICD Australia
Wesfarmers Ltd & Past Chair of National Australia Bank Limited Mr Michael Chaney AO FAICD Australia
Webjet Limited Roger Sharp Australia
Vine Partners Kate Harper Australia
UBS Anthony Sweetman Australia
The Star Entertainment Group Mr John O’Neill AO FAICD Australia
Standard Life Aberdeen Group Brett Jolie Australia
Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group Mr Philip Clark AM Australia
Sims Metal Management Limited Mr Geoffrey Brunsdon FAICD Australia
South32 Limited Ms Karen Wood Australia

Showing 1 to 10 of 98 people found

Steering Committee

The 30% Club is run by a Steering Committee that is made up of senior women who volunteer their time and skills.

Carolyn Kay

Non-Executive Director

Chair of the Investor Banking and Private Equity Working Group

Susan Roberts

Non-Executive Director

Chair of the Investor Working Group

Jane Neale

Managing Director and Founder HattonNeale

Chair of the Executive Search Firm Working Group

Juliet Bourke

Adjunct Profressor

Chair of the Education Working Group

Patricia Cross

Non-Executive Director

Founder 30% Club Australia

Nicola Wakefield Evans

Non-Executive Director

Chair 30% Club Australia

Working Groups

The 30% Club complements and amplifies individual company efforts and existing groups through measurable goals and broad collaboration. The 30% Club Australia is run by a Steering Committee of senior business representatives that volunteer their time and skills.

Four Working Groups drive initiatives for the 30% Club Australia across sectors:
– Investors Working Group, Chaired by Susan Roberts
– Exec Search Working Group, Chaired by Jane Neale
– Investment Banking & Private Equity Working Group, Chaired by Carolyn Kay
– Education Working Group, Chaired by Juliet Bourke

Secretariat and Executive support for the 30% Club Australia is provided by the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

The executive search working group is focused on how executive search consultants (ESCs) can promote emerging and current female directors and develop the systems, practices and processes that enable women to be appointed to boards. Individual members ensure diverse candidates are included on the long and shortlists provided to the chairs of the board and remuneration and nominations committees. The group is also committed to working with chairs and boards on succession planning and developing their network of female board aspirants. 


The Executive Search Firm has representation from the following Search Firms in Australia:

  • HattonNeale
  • Gerard Daniels
  • Mars Partners
  • Derwent
  • Russell Reynolds
  • Heidrick and Struggles
  • Spencer Stuart
  • Stanton Chase
  • Korn Ferry

The purpose of the Investors Group is to help coordinate the investment community’s approach to gender diversity. In particular, to explain the investment case for more diverse boards; to encourage all investors to engage on the issue of board diversity with chairs and management teams and to consider diversity when voting on the Report & Accounts and the appointment and re-election of board members.

Whilst we are strongly supportive of voluntary targets over quotas, we believe that it is important that investors actively oversee companies’ actions. We encourage investors to engage directly with companies in the first instance. However, we believe that, over time, this should extend to AGM voting in the event of inadequate board leadership. 

We are calling for the investment community to follow the principles of the statement of intent and to use to investor toolkit in their conversations with Boards and CEOs.

1. Statement of Intent for Investors:           which outlines the beliefs and objectives that the members of the 30% Club Investors Working Group have agreed to. We invite other fund managers and asset owners to pledge support to the principles in this Statement;

2. Investor toolkit for engaging board on diversity:           this toolkit has been provided to help investors, and those representing them, more effectively engage with boards of directors on this important issue.

2018 Investor Annual Report:              An update on the activities of 10 of the investors signed up to our Statement of Intent. 


For more information please contact 


The mission of the 30% Club Education Committee is to support the Global 30% Club’s mission of “at least 30% representation of all women on all boards and C-Suite globally” by generating, amplifying and disseminating credible and aligned research.

The Education Working Group has driven a number of research projects to drive the gender diversity conversation. These include:

Barriers to progression           Chair and NED reasons for not appointing female directors (2016)
Leading by Example           Interviews with ASX 200 Chairs with 30% females on their boards (2017)
Shaping the boards of the future           Succession planning, board evaluations and term limits (2018)
The Next Generation           Pathways ASX 200 board roles of the 2019 appointments (2018)
Building gender diversity on ASX 300 boards           Seven learnings from the ASX 200 on how to build greater gender diversity on boards (2020)
Green shoots of change in the Boardoom              Reviews the threads of the three-year journey from Bold Moves in the Boardroom to this year’s Green Shoots of Change series (2024).


For more information please contact 


The Investment Banking & Private Equity (IB&PE) group are focused on having an impact in ensuring female representation in the IPO space and on ASX boards generally, particularly in the following areas:

  • Creating an appetite within the investment banking, private equity and professional services community for listing boards with at least one independent female non-executive director (i.e. not the founder/s and investors);
  • Working with the Executive Search working group to identify emerging female directors and creating networks linked to the investment banking, private equity and professional services communities for these directors;
  • Working with the Investor working group on approaching boards with low female director representation to advocate for change;
  • Advising clients and people within investment banking, private equity and professional services organisations on their commitment to ensuring at least 30% female directors on the boards of the listed companies they are connected with.

For more information please contact  carolyn@schk.com.au