Celebration of Cohort 5
- Date: 17th November 2021
- By: 30club-Malaysia
- Topic: Community
- Chapter: Malaysia

The 30% Club Malaysia would like to congratulate the Cohort Five – a total of ten women- on successfully completing the nine-month mentoring journey to become board-ready.
The Cohort 5 are participants of the Board Mentoring Scheme, which aims to accelerate the appointment of more women into board positions as well as enhancing diversity and inclusion in public-listed companies.
Since the launch in 2017, more than 40 women has gone through the 9-month mentoring scheme and 27% are on boards of listed/non-listed companies. The 30% Club Malaysia would also like to welcome the on-boarding of the sixth cohort – a total of 20 participants – to start their nine-month mentoring journey.
A total of 53 distinguished members of the corporate community have also participated as mentors in the scheme. The mentors have volunteered their time to help our next generation of female directors to reach their potential.